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Where Your Next Chapter Begins

Transitioning out of active duty is a journey, one that's deeply personal and unique to every individual. I understand this because I've been there, just like many of us at AllegiantVETS. We designed our Skillbridge program with one mission in mind: to offer a personalized and effective transition for every hero ready for their next chapter.

At AllegiantVETS, you're not just getting training - you're joining a community built on camaraderie, support, and mutual respect. We're veterans helping veterans, ensuring that the transition isn't just about the destination, but also about the journey.

I personally invite you to experience the AllegiantVETS difference. This is not just another program; it's a promise from one veteran to another.

"Always By Your Side",

Marcus Haney

Ready for SkillBridge?

Step 1: Create Your Account to Apply for SkillBridge

Embark on a journey of transformation and achievement with Allegiant by creating your account. This is the threshold to a world of opportunities, learning, and community. By creating an account, you open the door to a future where your military experience is valued and enhanced. It's more than just a sign-up; it's your first step towards a flourishing civilian career and a fulfilling life.

Step 2: Assess Your Best Training Track

Uncover your path to success with our comprehensive Skill Assessment! Dive deep into understanding your aspirations, skills, and potential. This is not just an assessment; it’s a compass guiding you to your dream career, showing you the training tracks that align with your goals and passions. It's about illuminating the path that's right for you and setting the stage for your transition to civilian life.

Step 3: Apply to SkillBridge

Armed with insights from your assessment, select your SkillBridge Training Track & Timeline, aligning your passion with proficiency. This is where your aspirations meet action, where you take the reins of your future, applying for a SkillBridge program tailored to your goals. It's more than a choice; it's a commitment to your growth and success in the civilian sector.

Step 4: Update Profile with Command Approval Letter

Solidify your commitment to transition and growth by updating your AllegiantVETS profile with your Command Approval Letter. This step is a declaration of your readiness and resolve to embrace new beginnings and to enrich your skills and knowledge. It's not just an update; it's a proclamation of your dedication to embracing a new chapter filled with learning, community, and success.

Step 5: Join the SkillBridge & Community

Begin your transformative journey by enrolling in Allegiant's SkillBridge program. Once you're part of SkillBridge, you're not just learning - you're becoming a member of a tight-knit community ,the "1st Civ Div," where shared experiences and collective wisdom enrich your transition. It's here that camaraderie is woven with common goals, creating a support network of like-minded individuals , all focused on achieving success in the civilian world. Join our Discord Channel to start connecting with your fellow veterans and access real-time support and insights. And remember, our daily office hours are a space where any and all questions are welcomed and addressed. Welcome to a community where your journey is understood, shared, and celebrated.

Voices of Success

Voices of Success
"I FINALLY accepted and got my start date for my new job, and to top it all off, we put an offer in on a house and it was accepted as well! Beyond thankful for the support from everyone Allegiant" - Kendall
Voices of Success
"I had an extensive 2-hour interview with Raytheon last Friday for their Tucson, AZ location. Received a phone call this morning from HR - Talent Acquisition with an offer too good to pass on. Starting in January I will be a Senior Systems Administrator! I wanna say a thank you to the Allegiant team." - Jason
Voices of Success
"I just received a job as a Principal Cyber Engineer. I want to thank the Allegiant team for allowing me the flexibility required to get to this point and all of the Cyber Security track." - Lum
What's In Your Future?

View all certifications and courses offered
Got Questions?

Questions and Answers
What do you mean by "education" based SkillBridge? Our SB program is approved as an "Employee Skills Training" program. Partnering with Coursera online, we provide free classes towards certifications in pre-approved fields. All you need is a laptop and internet.
Can I relocate while in your Skillbridge program? Absolutely. While Allegiant doesn't track where you SB from, don't forget that traveling on PTDY/PTAD orders outside of your local leave area STILL requires Commander approval.
Do you offer resume services? Yes, we have partners that we can set you up with to help you with your resume.
What dates are your Skillbridge cohorts? We do not employ cohorts. Our rolling enrollment is tailored to fit your approved Skillbridge start and end dates.
Why do you call yourselves a "Veteran Success Organization?" We are here to serve all AD and Veterans. Our education services can be utilized while still serving, we help during your transition process, and we'll be there to help you get your next job.
Do you have actual internships available? We do offer a limited number of internships to work along side the Allegiant Team, however, our main focus is preparing you for the career in your future.
Is there a rigid schedule for me to be taking classes? Our learning platform allows you to login and study at your convenience, our tracks are tailored to be completed in your allotted Skillbridge time based on 25 hours of study per week. Depending on your learning style, you can complete the courses more quickly or slowly. We monitor student progress weekly to ensure you are on pace with the training schedule.
Do you help with employment placement? At AllegiantVETS, we host virtual career fairs, a vibrant platform where opportunities meet potential. Furthermore, we provide relentless resource support to ensure you flourish in your civilian role, marking a successful transition.
Are there any meetings to attend outside of Coursera? There is a weekly ZOOM Meeting for all students to attend EVERY Tuesday while enrolled in our Skillbridge.